Miscellaneous Midget Photos
Taken in the Late 1940s and 1950s
From the Photo Collection of Floyd Seago
Emmett Taylor at Cejay Stadium in Wichita, Kansas. Click your mouse on the photo to see another of this same midget at Wichita.
Bud Hemphill in his own midget and with family members at Pryor, Oklahoma in 1950. Standing right to left are: Harley Wiggins, Jewel Hemphill, Ruth Wiggins, and Patricia Hemphill. The girl at left and the boy in Bud’s lap have not been identified.
The 8 Ball midget crashed and caught fire at Dewey, Oklahoma in either 1946 or 1947. Note the driver Harold “Happy” Hart of Tulsa, Oklahoma seated on the racetrack.
Jimmy Hicks in a Ray Cates owned Ford midget at Ft. Smith, Arkansas
Carl Oliver on what appears to be an abandoned racetrack. If you know where, please contact Bob Lawrence.
#1 Bill Rudolph, #10 Jimmy Hicks, and #6 Bud Hemphill at Dewey, Oklahoma in 1946 or 1947.
This photo was taken at Dewey, Oklahoma in either 1946 or 1947. That is Ralph Outcalt driving the #1 midget.
#6 Bud Hemphill of Pryor, Oklahoma at left leads #1 Ralph Outcalt of Sulpulpa, Oklahoma in a race at Dewey, Oklahoma in either 1947 or 1947.
#6 Bud Hemphill, #1 Ralph Outcalt - Dewey, Oklahoma - 1947
Buddy Cagle in the Marquette Offy at Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 1958
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