Thomas E. "Tom" Salmon, Jr.
Tom Salmon, Jr. of Wichita, Kansas raced this #21
sedan for car owner K. O. Christian.
To see what became of this car, click your mouse on the photograph above - Loretta Cox
Left to Right: Ted Davis, Tom Salmon, Jr., and Tom Salmon, Sr. To see a photo of this Nellis-Fisher-owned sedan with Wylan Cattrell standing beside it, click your mouse on the photo above - Loretta Cox collection
Bill Killion, left, presenting a trophy to Tom Salmon, Jr. Killion had his arms in casts as he was recuperating from having broken both his arms in a crash at Cejay Stadium in Wichita, Kansas - Loretta Cox collection
To see a photograph of Tom Salmon, Jr. (right) and Hugh "Hugo" Shea standing beside a 1934 Ford sedan stock car.